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AiA Paint & Write the Town 2025

Under Construction - Locations being researched and finalized - Updated Schedule coming...

Last year's locations shown - please ignore this page for now

Official “Paint & Write the Town” Schedule

Presented by Artists in Action & Elsinore Fine Art Gallery

Salem, Oregon

Paint & Write the Town is Artists in Action’s perennial and popular signature summertime event. Artists of all skill levels working in any medium meet to create art “en plein air” that’s interpretive of one or more of the scheduled locations in historic, scenic and downtown locations in the Salem area. Poets of the Mid-Valley Poetry Society and others may join in to write poetry inspired by the site. Artists and writers are welcome to simply show up at their preferred location(s) to participate. No pre-registration is required to paint or write over the summer.

In 2025, the weekly on-site sessions for painting, writing and creating begin June 1 and continue thru August 16, culminating in a juried exhibition with cash awards in the October. The scenic sites have been selected and arranged by AiA members, Patricia Young, John Mohney and Diane Forsberg, who hope you will find great inspiration. The registration and submission process to enter your artwork into the juried exhibition will again be done using AiA will post the link to the official Call to Artists once those details become available.

Each location is associated with a given date and time when our group has been granted permission to paint and write there, and an event host will be present to welcome you, and provide information. You may visit or return to the public locations at your leisure to start or continue works in progress. Private locations cannot be accessed on other days without prior permission. Artists and writers again have the choice of working at home or another local site if they wish.

Artists should bring their own chairs, sun/rain/bug protection, food and beverages.  Also, at every location where we are being graciously hosted this summer, please plan on packing out with you any solvents, wastewater, trash, etc. Nothing should be emptied or discarded on the ground.

Note: Locations and time are subject to change. Please check this page for updates through the summer. Please sign up for Paint & Write the Town Communiques to stay in the loop!

June 7
TBD - Temporary place holder - work in progress
Deepwood Museum & Gardens
Address: 1116 Mission St SE, Salem, OR 97302
Phone: (503) 363-1825
Deepwood is located less than a mile away from the Oregon State Capitol in the heart of Salem. The property is located between Mission & Lee along 12th street, next to Bush Pasture Park.

Taking public transportation? There are nearby bus stops on Mission across from University as well as on 12th at the corner of Lee, and the Amtrak station is less than a half mile walk or bike ride away!

The parking lot is located on the corner of 12th and Lee Street (one block south of Mission on 12th).
June 14
8-12:00 noon
TBD - Temporary place holder - work in progress
Adelman Peony Gardens

Address: 5690 Brooklake Rd NE, Salem, OR 97305
Phone: (503) 508-7389
Located just North of Salem, Oregon.
Use I-5 exit 263 Brooks/Gervais exit. Turn East (toward Brooks). Go straight 1.5 miles. Driveway is on the right.
Map and Directions -
June 21
No appointment needed
TBD - Temporary place holder - work in progress
Aumsville Ponds County Park

NO Selling on Park Property - This was STRONGLY stressed and repeated several times!
(Just have your business cards handy if someone is interested in your work.)
Address: 9888 Bates Road SE, Aumsville, OR
Phone: 503-588-7943 - Contact - Russ Dilley
The Aumsville Ponds site is located 1.5 miles southeast of Aumsville at the intersection of Bates and Bishop Roads.  The 77-acre site, composed of wetlands and upland buffer areas flows into Porter, within the Mill Creek Watershed. Working with many community volunteers, the County intends to restore and preserve this site as part of the Natural Heritage Parks Program.

Dogs are not allowed at Aumsville Ponds Park. 

June 28
TBD - Temporary place holder - work in progress
Sebright Gardens

Address: 7185 Lakeside Dr NE, Salem, OR 97305
Phone: (503) 463-9615
Going East on Portland Road, turn right onto Lakeside Dr and go 1.5 miles. 
You will encounter 3 sharp turns on Lakeside Drive, then at the 4th sharp angle turn, instead of turning right, turn left onto gravel drive on the right side of the Sebright Gardens sign.0
Proceed past first house to end of drive to parking areas, first one near the two story lavender house & garage pls additional parking by turning left in front of the retail shopping area (around the Green shed) just past the bamboo grove.
July  5

Artist Choice
Location of your choosing

July 12
No appointment needed. 
Open dawn to dusk.
TBD - Temporary place holder - work in progress
Ankeny NWR

: 130 Ankeny Hill Road SE, Jefferson
Phone: (541) 757-7236
12 miles south of Salem in Jefferson
Take I-5 South and go right onto Ankeny Hill Road SE Exit.

The refuge is open from sunrise to sunset. The refuge is bordered by Ankeny Hill Road, Buena Vista Road, and Wintel Road to the north, west and south respectively, and visitors can access refuge trails and/or viewing areas from each.

Restrooms are located at the new Ankeny Hill Nature Center.
There are many great places to paint at Ankeny. The link above includes map of the refuge.
July 19
TBD - Temporary place holder - work in progress
Rhoten Farms

Address: 6226 Joseph St SE, Salem
Head South on Hwy 22 toward Aumsville. Turn off at the Joseph St Exit then turn left on Joseph Street. Rhoten Farms is on the left just after 64th Ave SE.
Jul 26
TBD - Temporary place holder - work in progress
Misner Century Farm

Address: 37410 Crabtree Dr. Scio OR 97374
Head south on I5 towards Albany. Take Hwy 20 exit toward Lebanon. Drive about 6 miles and turn left on Hwy 226. Then drive about 2.5 to 3 miles and turn left on Crabtree Dr. Follow to the AIA sign.
Aug 2

TBD - Temporary place holder - work in progress
Riverview Park, Independence

Address: Main Street, Independence, OR
(earlier for hot weather)
Located on Main Street in downtown Independence, across from the River Gallery, 184 Main Street.
Parking available down by the River.
August 9
TBD - Temporary place holder - work in progress
Baskett Slough

Address: Check in via Coville Road off of Highway 99W
Phone: (541) 757-7236
The refuge is located at the junction of State Highways 99W and 22 and can be accessed via Coville and Smithfield Roads off of Highway 99W. Or it can be accessed from Hwy 22 via Coville Road. (10995 Highway 22) Refuge trailheads, viewing pull offs and parking areas can be found off of each. We will meet at the parking lot where the Mount Baldy trail head begins.
August 16
12 Noon - 5:00
TBD - Temporary place holder - work in progress
Ankeny Vineyard

Address: 2565 Riverside Dr S, Salem, OR 97306
Phone: (503) 378-1498
The vineyard hours are noon-8 pm on Saturday, but our host will be there until 5.

12 Noon - 5:00
TBD - Temporary place holder - work in progress
Chemeketa Cellars

Address: 215 Doaks Ferry Road NW, Salem
Phone: (503) 378-1498
The Northwest Wine Studies Center You are welcome to bring outside food during tasting room hours or enjoy one of our charcuterie platters. The tasing room has a variety of wines for tasting and purchase. During regular tasting room hours, the tasting fee is $15, refundable with the purchase of two bottles.
10 - 4:00 - Cancelled
TBD - Temporary place holder - work in progress
True North Orchards - Cancelled

Address: 5650 Lardon Rd NE, Salem, OR 97305
Phone:  (503) 348-4313
From South Salem: Take Cordon Road until you reach the light at highway 213/Silverton Road. Make right on highway 213/Silverton Road.

From Silverton Rd: Make a right hand turn at the first street (past Cordon Rd.), onto Lardon Road

Follow Lardon Road about ¾ of a mile. You will come to an “S” curve and our orchard is the first driveway on the RIGHT immediately after the curve. There’s a True North Orchards sign posted plus several yellow and black signs along the front of the orchard.